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Pindul Cave

Pindul Cave is located in Bejiharjo village, Karangmojo, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. The cave became well-known in late year 2010. Pindul's name comes from the story of a young man named Singlulung, who was looking for his missing father. He was somewhere in the forest and caves. Enter the cave and suddenly his cheek hit a rock, which was called Pindul cave. The Pindul name is an abbreviation of the word Pipi Kejendul, which means cheek bumped.

Pindul cave is unique and has a lot of sparkle stalactite and stalagmite thousands of years old. The white crystals are in various corners of the cave. When stalactite struck would sound like a gong, and the voice reflected off the walls of the cave formations. There is also a large room with a hole in the middle of the cave. The atmosphere in Pindul cave becomes more exotic with the sunlight coming through from the cave's hole.

Visitors can go through the river at 300 meters and head into the bowels of the cave by using car tires as floaters. It is called cave tubing, usually performed for approximately 60 minutes. The river flows in Pindul cave tend to calm down, so it is also safe for children. Down on the River will be treated with paintings, created by experienced bat cave dwellers. Also will receive an explanation about the ornament, and rock crystal along the way to the cave tubing journey.