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Gedongsongo Temple

Gedongsongo Temple is a complex Hindu temple located at the foot of Mount Ungaran, precisely in Candi village, Somawono, Semarang, Central Java province. The experts could not confirm the time and purpose of the Gedongsongo temple construction. It is because there have been no inscriptions found that mention the temple's existence. The temples were built during the early development of Hinduism in Java and reigned by the king in the Sanjaya dynasty period.

Seeing the architectural style and its location, the Gedongsongo temple was built for worship. At that time, the highlands or hills were seen as the embodiment of heaven's abode of gods. Its existence was first disclosed as a temple by Raffles in 1740. Only seven groups of buildings were found in early times, and Raffles called the Gedong Pitu temple.

After the founding of the two temples, some research on the temple by Dutch archaeologists, who named Van Stein Callenfels in 1908 and Knebel in 1911. They discovered other temple groups, so the name changed to Gedongsongo. From 1928 until 1929, during the reign of ancient official Dutch renovate Gedong One and Gedong Two. The temple was restored arrangement ​​by the Indonesian government for ten years, from 1972 up to 1982.